Enriching experiences
Being part of Rugby’s thriving community is exciting, inclusive and full of possibilities.
Our teachers are as keen to devise fascinating clubs and activities to engage and feed inquiring minds as the students are to sign up for them. A good co-curricular programme is not about simply filling time or bolt-ons to existing subjects, but more about creating enriching experiences that ignite a spark, lead to another question or nurture a quiet confidence.
It’s the chance to try something new, to challenge body and mind, to follow the ‘what-if’, to try, perhaps to decide it’s not for you, but to be encouraged to explore another path.
There are always many options here and the doors are open to as much as any pupil may like to fit in. The energy is inspiring, the approach inclusive and the emphasis is on enjoying life, because at Rugby, the whole person is the whole point.

During their time at Rugby School, every student will
- Participate in physical activity three times each week of at least moderate intensity
- Participate in a theatrical production either on or behind the stage
- Participate in a musical event
- Serve in the CCF for at least one year
- Carry out a community service for at least one year (unless in CCF)
- Complete their Bronze DofE
- Commit to a weekly voluntary activity of their choice
- Attend a variety of Society meetings to enrich their academic curiosity
- Speak publicly in either the House, Chapel or to a wider school audience
- Sing on stage in front of an audience
- Be a member of a sports team & represent your House or the School
- Be in the audience for at least one theatrical production each year
- Be in the audience for at least one musical event each year
- Be a spectator at a minimum of one sporting event each year

Through co-curricular involvement, we hope that students will:
- Engage and develop current interests & skills
- Develop their leadership & interpersonal skills
- Try something new to discover new potential interests & skills
- Learn commitment, respect, integrity & tolerance