Gareth Parker-Jones, Head
Welcome from the Head Master
I believe Rugby to have succeeded when we create a spark in the mind of the student, be it in the classroom, on the sports field, in the music rooms, on stage, in the art studios, or around any sort of activity. What I see here, time and time again, is that once a student becomes good at one thing and enjoys doing it, they soon become good at something else. And then something else again. In this way Rugby helps our students form the habit of doing things well – of being good at life.
This, of course, owes a huge amount to us being a 7 day a week boarding school, with two day houses open from 7.00am to 10.00pm. We have the space and the time to accommodate those literally hundreds of activities – some academic, many not – that make up our lives here. Rugbeians are very busy, and that teaches vital life skills of prioritisation and organisation.
Our academic results, at both GCSE, A level and IB are the strongest in the Midlands and mark us out as the leading co-educational boarding school in the UK.
All, as you would expect, worn lightly!