Every child is different
School life is fun, challenging and fulfilling, but there will always be times when support is required to comfort, assist and ease them through the difficult and stressful times. Different situations will have different effects on every student, whether it be personal or School-based, and after hundreds of years of caring for youngsters here at Rugby, we have gained practical and valuable experience.
Our Ethos
The ethos at Rugby, that the whole person is the whole point, is undeniably apparent within our excellent, seamless House structure. The role of Housemaster or Housemistress as head of the ‘family’ is to create and maintain a happy and balanced home with the able support of their deputy and the Matron. These staff are all resident in the boarding Houses, and in day Houses, the only difference is the students and staff return home to sleep. Totally committed to the well-being of their young people, this nucleus of staff provide dedicated care that is second to none.
‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent. They report that their high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem are seeded in the secure support of their boarding and day houses’ – ISI Report, 2022
In addition to this secure home from home experience, every child is assigned a tutor, everyone across the School has a weekly tutorial period – a structured programme of sessions involving careers advice, skills development, coaching and Personal Social Health and Economic education (PSHE). Sessions are led by tutors, in-house experts and also external speakers specialising in their particular field of care. Age appropriate subjects are wide ranging, but pertinent, on such topics as the science of sleep, eating disorders, drugs and managing finances.
Parents are encouraged to be involved and the tutorial scheme is published via the internal Parent Portal, our one stop shop for all communication relevant to each child.
Rugby School firmly believes all children have a right to achieve their potential and to be protected from all forms of harm. Our staff have a particularly important role in safeguarding our children as they are in a position to identify concerns early and take action to secure help for children who need it.
We take a child centred approach to safeguarding and emphasise the need to listen to children and to pay attention to changes in behaviour, presentation and demeanour, as these may be indicators of a safeguarding concern.
The Governing Body, the Heads, the CEO and staff are committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of all the children in their care. Our safeguarding policy applies to all staff, governors and adult volunteers and to contact both inside and outside normal School hours.
We are committed to implementing good safeguarding practice and recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that anyone can make a referral to social care. We follow the procedures of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Guidance on making a referral which can be found at www.safeguardingwarwickshire.co.uk/safeguarding-children
Rugby School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Liz Sale, Head of Safeguarding contact: els@rugbyschool.net or on 01788 556 350
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Lara Hampton, contact: lmh@rugbyschool.net or on 01788 556188 and Peter Bell, contact: pkb@rugbyschool.net or 01788 556172
Rugby School’s Safeguarding Policy, which contains contact details for all staff specifically responsible for child protection, can be found here